The Westlake 9/12 Project

Want to see something funny?

Have you ever amused yourself by watching a cat chase the red dot from a laser pointer? It is really funny. You can get the cat to chase itself in circles or run around the room, or sometimes even try to climb the walls to get to that elusive little red dot. No matter how long you play, or how often, the cat still responds in the same way. Even when you stop moving the dot, it can’t seem to realize that it has not accomplished anything. With all due respect, dumb cats!

That is exactly how it is with the mainstream media (MSM). No matter what President Trump tweets, says, or does, the MSM continues to go crazy chasing that little red dot. Without any thought as to what they are doing or why, they go into chase mode and get nuts.

My most favorite of these recent MSM frenzies is the tweet where President Trump said, “Despite the constant negative press covfefe.” The twitter world exploded and all of the liberal media followed. Consensus was that President Trump made a stupid mistake, or was just an idiot. HAH! Then the President further taunted them further by tweeting, “Who can figure out the true meaning of "covfefe" ??? Enjoy!”

Let’s take a look at what this actually means while the MSM continues to chase the red dot. President Trump had recently had a very successful visit to Saudi Arabia where they welcomed him with open arms. I am sure that at some point they discussed how Trump is being attacked by the media, and they probably encouraged him to remain strong and stand tall in the face of all of the unwarranted attacks. In fact, I’ll bet that they even told him about an Arabic expression that they might use in the same circumstances.

Now, using that logic, one might try to discover if this might be true. Here is the fun part! Go to Google translate, and choose the option to translate from Arabic to English, and then type in cov fe’fe. Google will then ask if you mean something like what is shown in Arabic characters below those words. If you click on that, the resulting translation is, “I will stand up.” COOL!

Now enter this translation into the original tweet, and you get, “Despite the constant negative press I will stand up.” A strong declaration of President Trump’s resolution to continue on in the face of the media attacks!

One might start to wonder if the President hasn’t figured out how get the MSM to chase the little red dot while he sits back and watches them spin in circles.

DELICIOUS FUN!    I could watch it for hours.

Copyright © 2016 The Westlake 9/12 Project.