On October 1, 2017, a man whose name I will hot honor through mention, acted by shooting upon a crowd of innocent people who were attending a Country Music concert. He indiscriminately shot into the crowd, killing over 50 people and wounding over 500 more. This unspeakable atrocity is the greatest loss of life of its kind that this nation has seen. This should be a time of sadness, mourning, empathy, and support for the families of the wounded and deceased. Our condolences and our prayers go out to those families.
As follows any tragedy of this type, families will mourn their loss, people of faith will offer up their prayers and their assistance, and politicians will grandstand on the graves of the victims to push their agendas and to gain talking points. The amorality and insensitivity of those politicians should incite outrage among their constituents and lead to the end of their terms of service; but sadly it won't.
While there are few facts available surrounding the event, the perpetrator, or his motivation, there are some facts that are inherently known at this point;
Many people have worked hard and long to remove God, Virtue, and Judeo-Christian Morality from our conversations, our civil society, and our schools. Maybe it is time that we let our elected representatives know, loudly and frequently, that they should be focusing on how to return those things to our country as a means to prevent future tragedies of this nature.
Stamp out amorality! When allowed, light will always overcome darkness: only when the light is removed can darkness prevail.