In the 60's and the 70's, Baby-Boomers were actively challenging the establishment. While the rebellion against the establishment had actually begun quietly with the veterans of World War II because of their disillusionment with the government that had gained so much power during the war, it was their children who took that rebellion public with their "make love not war" movement. It was the Vietnam War that brought much of the rebellion to a head…a war with little justification, no path to victory, and little support from the public.
So what? Well, for one thing, the movement in opposition (anti-) to the establishment has developed enough cohesiveness to become a movement (–ism) as evidenced by the results of the 2016 election.
It is likely that the rejection of the Washington establishment is a reflection of the same disillusionment that was brewing in the 60's and 70's. We are engaged in wars that have little justification, little support, little purpose, and no plan for success. Our moral fabric has been attacked. Political correctness has replaced common sense. People are demonized for having any kind of traditional belief system.
It will be interesting to see how this rejection of the establishment develops.